The Enforcement Droid series 209...
...is a self-sufficient
law enforcement robot.
209 is programmed for urban
pacification, but that's just a start.
After a successful
tour in Old Detroit...
...we can expect 209 to become the hot
military product for the next decade.
- Dr. McNamara.
- We'll need a subject.
- Mr. Kinney.
- Yes, sir.
- Will you give us a hand?
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Kinney will help us simulate a
typical arrest and disarming procedure.
Mr. Kinney, use your gun
in a threatening manner.
- Point it at ED 209.
- Yes, sir.
Please put down your weapon.
You have 20 seconds to comply.
I think you better
do what he says.
You now have 15 seconds to comply.
You are in direct violation
of penal code 113, section 9.
- You have five seconds to comply.
- Help me!
- Four, three, two, one.
- Help me! Help!
I am now authorized
to use physical force.