What's the time?
It's starting to roll.
Bring in the L.E.D.
Lock it down.
- He's on.
- What's the story?
- We saved the left arm.
- What?
We agreed on total body prosthesis.
Now lose the arm.
Jesus, Morton.
- Can he understand?
- We'll blank his memory, anyway.
We should lose the arm.
What do you think?
He signed a release when he joined
the force. And he's dead.
We can do pretty much what we want.
Lose the arm.
Shut him down. Prep him for surgery.
The outer skin will be like this.
It's titanium, laminated with Kevlar.
Go ahead, shake his hand.
Come here often? How you doing?
Got a hell of a grip.
It's 400 foot-pounds.
He could crush
every bone in your hand.
All right, attach it to his shoulder.
I like that.
You're gonna be a bad motherfucker!