My dream,
I hope you do not find it crazy -
- is that I would like
the people here to feel -
- that if there were a fire, calling the
fire department would be a wise idea.
You cannot have people
with burning houses saying:
"Whatever you do,
do not call the fire department."
That would be bad.
Please, get it cleaned up.
Do not make me have to explain it.
I am locked out of my house.
I can get you in. I will get my tools.
I do not have any clothes on.
Do you want a coat or something?
No, I would like to stand naked
in this bush in the freezing cold.
- I will get the tools.
- Thank you.
- What is it?
- Somebody locked out of their house.
- Do you need any help?
- No, it looks boring. I will go.
- Nobody had a coat?
- You said you did not want one.
- Why would I not want a coat?
- You said so!
- I was being ironic.
- Oh, irony. We do not get that here.
People ski topless here while smoking
dope, so irony is not a high priority.
We have not had irony here since '83,
when I was the only practitioner of it, -
- and I stopped as
I was tired of being stared at.
You should turn off the lights
when you are locked out -
- you waste electricity.
You can hide your nakedness
in that bush.
I notice you do not have any tattoos.
Wise choice.
Jackie Onassis would not have gone
so far with an anchor on her arm.
Every job has a perfect tool.