Philosophical: It is not the size
of a nose that is important -
- it is what is in it that matters.
Laugh and the world laughs with you -
- sneeze and it is goodbye, Seattle.
Commercial: Hi, I am Earl Scheib
and I can paint that nose for $39.95!
Would you mind not bobbing your head?
The orchestra keeps changing the tempo.
Melodic: Everybody.
He has got the whole world in his nose.
Sympathetic: What happened?
Did your parents lose a bet with God?
You must love the birdies -
- to give them this to perch on.
Scientific: Say, does that thing there
influence the tides?
Obscure: Whoa,
I would hate to see the grindstone.
Well, think about it.
When you stop and smell the flowers -
- are they afraid?
French: The pigs have refused
to find any more truffles -
- until you leave.
Pornographic: Finally a man
who can satisfy two women at once.
- How many is that?
- Fourteen, Chief.
All right, religious:
The Lord giveth -
- and He just kept on giving, did he not?
Say, who mows your nose hair?
Keep that guy away from my cocaine!
Aromatic: It must be wonderful to wake
up in the morning and smell the coffee -
- in Brazil.
- Eighteen.