Appreciative: Oh, how original.
Most people just have their teeth capped.
All right...
You can do it, C.D., one more.
Your name would not be Dick, would it?
You smartarse son of a bitch!
You flat-faced, flat-nosed flathead.
Has he fallen yet?
Did that copy of
"Being and Nothingness" by Jean Paul...
Jean Paul Sartre? Yes, it did.
I have it here, it is paid for.
- Great, thank you.
- De rien... Il n'y a pas de quoi.
- Okay.
- Do not mention it, bro.
"Therefore, my body is a conscious
structure of my consciousness."
Thank you, Chris. I was too embarrassed
to go and ask for it myself.
A little light reading, Andy?
I got $9,000 for the house this summer.
- Which one of the five?
- The one on Rush Street.
- You are soaking Roxanne for $9,000?
- I am not.
- You like her, do you not?
- What is there not to like?
- Why do you not ask her out?
- No, I cannot.
I have a 3 o'clock and a
5 o'clock, the women are lined up...
Mostly because of the old saying -
- about a man's nose relating to
the size of...
- The size of what?
- Come on, everybody knows this.
Hey, Sophie. Do you know the old saying
about a man's nose?
You mean how the size of a man's nose
relates to the size of his...?