
I can't leave you out of it.
That's the part everybody's interested in.

You're exploiting an ugly situation.
You've become so touchy lately.
I mean, if your life hasn't worked out,
stop blaming me for it.

Take the bull by the horns.
Make something happen.

I'm sorry. Not everybody's
a human dynamo like you.

Your mother does have
remarkable energy.

You were such a promising young girl,
so bright, and you had my looks.

Well, you had better bone structure
than I did, but you lacked my height.

And you had your father's intelligence.
You gotta do something about all that.
I mean, you're young, you're lovely.

Of course, you dress like a Polish refugee.
I don't feel too attractive these days.
Peter thinks you're beautiful.
And he's right.

- Does he?
- He sings your praises.

He's probably just being polite.
You really like him, don't you?
- I don't know.
- You've gotta be a little cool about it.

- You shouldn't let your desperation show.
- I don't think I have.

I always felt there was a fatal element
of hunger in your last affair.

That's not true.
I don't think Jeff would have run
quite so quickly back to his wife...

..if he didn't feel a certain pressure.
I sensed it.
His name was Jack. And you were never
here, so you don't know what happened.

Darling, don't be so defensive.
I base this observation
on the time I saw you together.

And I'm not saying anything different than
those high-priced psychiatrists have said.

When it comes to men, you're probably
doing something to stand in your way.

- I probably am.
- Yeah.

Well, this is out.
Looks like I'm going to a luau!

Oh, my God. Look at me.
I gotta redo my whole make-up.
