Well, we walked around together.
You didn't say anything.
No, I didn't, did I?
Well, I felt awkward.
At least you liked the record I found you
so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
It's so funny because I used to be in love
with a boy who just idolised Art Tatum.
Well, this was years ago
on my first visit to Paris.
He was a student and he played piano
in a jazz club in the student quarter.
He didn't speak any English.
And we spent a summer trying to make
each other understand our feelings.
The funny thing was it didn't matter
that we only knew a few words.
Oh, anyway, that was years ago.
I hate thunder. I don't care how harmless
it is, I wanna get under the bed!
- The air is full of electricity.
- I'm serious!
- Where is everyone? I heard voices.
- Hi.
- How do I look? Don't say "old and fat".
- Great.
Great. What time
do the guests arrive?
Any minute. Let's get some more lights
on. Did Lane make any hors d'oeuvres?
What were you two doing
before we came down?
Excuse me? What?
I hope you weren't out on the porch.
That lightning's getting close.
- Oh, no.
- No.
- Let's have some music.
- All right. Who wants what?
- Well, you know about me. Peter?
- Vodka.
- Stephanie, what do you want?
- Vodka, please.
Have you given any more thought
about my memoirs?
They deserve better than me. They're
too good to waste on a fledgling writer.
You're patronising me.
- Lane says you think my life is trivial.
- I never said that.
- Lloyd, come on, dance with me.
- Oh, honey, I'm such a stiff.
If you can figure out the universe,
you can figure out the box step.
All right.
See, there? You're terrific.
- I try.