We were expecting the Richmonds.
Let me get you a drink.
Hi, Howard. Hi. Oh, the Richmonds
must be stuck. You're wet.
Yes, I know.
Look, my old Ouija board! Look!
They take too long. What you want
is a computerised Ouija board.
That way you can punch up
any dead person you wanna talk to.
- Howard, you did say Scotch?
- Ask Lane to dance with you.
- Me?
- Mm-hm. She'll be thrilled.
- She's got a big crush on you.
- I don't dance.
That's what everybody says.
Come on. She's been so blue.
- Lane?
- Yes?
Go ahead. Go ahead!
Uh, Lane, uh, Peter was just asking me...
..if I'd ask you to dance with him.
Oh! No, thank you.
Oh, yes, thank you.
That music is fabulous!
I used to go to Harlem
to hear music like that.
I was dating a disc jockey.
He used to call records "sides".
- - I have two left feet.
I'll get that. I'll get it.
You just enjoy yourselves.
- Is she bothering you?
- No, not at all.
- I like her energy.
- It's the record you got at the flea market.
- I didn't know you liked jazz.
- You like Prokofiev.
Yeah, but not to dance to.
The Richmonds aren't coming.
Their house is flooded.
Really? Then maybe
we can go to the Kurosawa film.
- In this storm?
- Well, you know, maybe.
Let's not let it kill our evening.
The Richmonds aren't coming.
We're lucky. They're so boring!
- Then why did you invite them?
- Uh-oh. Oh, God!
- This could last for hours.
- Lloyd.
- Just light some candles.
- OK. I'll get some matches.
I love walking around
in the pitch-black.
I think I put my hand in the guacamole.
Lloyd! The Richmonds are
flooded, the electricity's gone off.
God is testing us and l, for one,
am gonna be ready. Where's the vodka?