You know, in all the time I've known you
I don't think I've ever seen you drink.
Although the year after my wife died
I was never sober.
Of course, on the faculty of the school
where I work, it's... hard to tell.
I'm gonna miss you so much.
I'm gonna miss you, too,...
..but we'll always stay in touch.
You know what I'm saying.
Howard, please.
I have to...
When you got that offer today
to sell the house, I...
..I realised suddenly...
..we wouldn't be sharing
those winter evenings again.
Yeah, but you knew I was only up here
to get well, and not permanently.
Is the difference in our ages
awkward for you?
I'm in love with Peter.
Isn't that the most ridiculous thing?
Considering I don't think
I even have a chance with him.
I did for a while.
I keep telling myself that maybe
it'll still work out all right somehow.
And why Peter and not you?
No reason worthy of you.
How often I've wanted to touch you.
Please. Please, don't.
Now that I've embarrassed us both...
Let me make you some coffee. You're
gonna have a terrible hangover tomorrow.