- And she's become so attached to you.
- Please.
I already feel guilty enough
because I led her on.
Not on purpose. I just wasn't
thinking about anyone but myself.
She's told me about
all the time you spent together.
I know about all your walks and talks
by the lake, under the stars.
She's told me all that.
I felt very lonely.
I needed some company,
and my marriage broke up.
I was losing confidence
that I could write this book.
I needed a voice
to keep me from panicking.
But you made love together.
I didn't understand how vulnerable
she was until it was too late.
I know it's my fault.
Would you... Would you have become
serious about her if I hadn't come along?
I don't know. Maybe.
You do funny things
when you feel empty inside.
..I'm married.
You know, my kids come home
from camp in a week. I have a life.
I know.
But is it the life you want?
Is it?
- You've been flirting with me for weeks.
- Please, just go away.
My husband's a wonderful man.