- Don't say that.
- She thinks about you all the time.
- And you?
- Naturally, I think about you.
And yet you avoid me.
- Will you write Diane's biography?
- Believe it or not, I'm thinking about it.
Why? What happened
to the book about your father?
I know. I...
It just isn't coming. I told you that.
I've been beating my brains out
about it all summer long and I...
I don't know. It's lifeless.
And then I hear all these sensational
anecdotes and stories. You know?
This woman's had an incredible life.
I mean, the shooting alone is a book.
- Lane doesn't want it written.
- I'm not so sure.
If I do it, I can protect her.
Somebody's gonna write it.
Look, Peter, just put yourself
in her place for one minute.
Here's this 14-year-old girl. Her mother
leaves her father, who Lane adored,...
..and moves in with this thug, who beats
up Diane, and Lane ends up shooting him.
It's completely wrecked her life.
You don't wanna put her through it again.
You know, people staring at her
as she walks down the street.
I don't know.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't...
I just feel so... guilt-ridden.
I'm just very tense.
Oh, Peter, please don't do this.
Let's go to Paris together.
"Let's go to Paris together."
My God. You really are
a writer, aren't you?
This is why I have to stay away from you.
Because you just make my head... spin.