There's nothing to make sense.
Absolutely nothing to make sense.
So many times I saw
you and Peter looking at each other.
No, don't do that. Just don't do that.
This is my fault. Stephanie's not to blame.
- Leave us alone.
- I'm sorry you found out like this.
There's nothing to find out.
You're making it worse.
There's not nothing.
Let's get this out on the table.
I want Steffie to go with me
to New York or Paris.
Peter, the summer's over. I'm going back
to Philadelphia. I miss my children.
I can't play these games.
I've been married too long. I just...
I don't know what I am.
I don't know what I've done.
I just... I'm not who I thought I was.
I'm beginning to think
that antique fair will be too crowded.
You're getting cold feet
about driving to East Hope.
I am not. I just thought
today's the wrong day.
We could postpone it. You and Peter
could work on the book around here.
You know, Peter, I think we could do
a whole section on Las Vegas.
I know so many great
Sammy Davis stories. He's the best.
- Did ya tell Lane about our conversation?
- Oh, yeah. Listen, darling.
Lloyd and I have decided
that we wanna live here.
This house is our idea of heaven.
I fell in love with it the moment
I stepped inside. It was like coming home.
I know you're off back to the city,
but whenever you wanna use it, it's yours.
You know, weekends
or the summertime. Whenever.
You're gonna need a sweater.
I better go up and get one.
I don't understand.
You know one of my first
projects? I'm gonna put in a pool.
I never, ever liked the pond
because there's live things in there!
Your mother's a wonderful swimmer.
I took her swimming in Santa Fe.
She outdid everybody.
- She's got perfect legs for a bathing suit.
- What are you talking about?
We're gonna move back here.
We've discussed it
and decided to move back here.
Lloyd loves Vermont
and I have always loved this house.
- And if...
- You can't move back here.
- Why not?
- Because I'm about to sell this place.