- You're selling it?
- I told you...
- Wait a minute. Since when?
- I've mentioned this three times at least.
- You have?
- Don't you ever listen to me when I talk?
Do you only care about
what you have to say?
Why are you getting so nasty?
I got people here right now - buyers.
They're looking at it.
Well, Jesus, wherever they are, just go
and find them and tell them the sale is off.
- What?
- You can't sell it. It's gonna be our home.
You can't tell me that now.
What are you talking about?
This is the family house.
How can you sell this place?
You don't own it.
- Well, who owns it?
- Uh.... I do.
Well, I mean, we do. You and me.
Your father and I bought it.
But you gave it to me years ago. I told you
then I might sell it and divide the money.
- You said great, you could use the cash.
- Was I sober when I gave it to you?
- You said it was mine.
- To live in, darling, but not to sell.
To live in? What does that mean?
To maintain? To repair? To keep up?
Am I the caretaker?
I've said a lot of things in haste. When
it comes to practical matters, I'm a dodo.
I can't afford to move
without selling this house.
I've run up too many debts.
It's expensive being sick.
- Nobody's throwing you out in the cold.
- I've been counting on this money.
I haven't been working in two years.
I've used up everything. I've borrowed.
Darling, it's as simple as this:
my plans have changed.
- What?!
- We want to settle here.
Your father and I bought this house.
He'd have wanted it to stay in the family.
- Can't we discuss this later?
- You're such a phoney!
He bought the house, not you,
and I've kept it going!
- Lane!
- Couldn't you have just stayed away?
Lloyd and I are not young.
We wanna settle.
Who knows? Maybe we'll hate it
and in a year we'll move.
My life is just not worth all the trouble!
Everyone, just stop it!
Diane, Lane has been through so much.
- Don't get angry, sweetheart.
- She doesn't care what she says to me.