Hey, hey, whoa, don't.
That belongs to the slumlord
that owns this place.
It's his pride and joy.
Pretty sick.
How does it feel to stand
under a real Mercedes-Benz?
About the same as standing under a Ford.
Why? Do you get off on it?
Can I ask you a question?
You know a girl
named Amanda Jones?
In school?
- What about her?
- What do you think of her?
Rat bait. Why?
-Just curious.
- What about?
Her. Who she is.
Because she's beautiful, right?
Guys are so sickening.
Really, it must be a drag
to be a slave to the male sex drive.
I didn't say anything about sex.
Oh. Want to start
a book club with her?
I didn't say I wanted
to do anything with her.
I just think she's interesting.
Don't go mistaking paradise
for a pair of long legs.
What's that mean?
Don't go roaming where
you don't belong. It's just an opinion.
I express an interest in someone I don't
even know, and you're getting tense.
This is not tension.
This is reason.
The way this girl and her big money,
cruel heart society spit on everyone...
is not interesting,
it's pathetic.
She's not big money.
Do you know where she lives?
Yeah, in our sector.
But she runs with
the rich and the beautiful...
which is guilt by association.
This is getting stale.
You calling out for food?
No. You can call if you want.
Don't you ever eat at home?
I don't like to eat alone.
Amanda Jones?
Forget about it.
It's nothing.
It's not important.