Handsome, rich...
muscular, popular,
hot, happening...
and capable of reducing your head
to a crimson stain on the wall.
Hardy's a jerk.
He screws around on her, he treats her
like dirt, he has no respect for her.
And obviously she gets off on it.
You're losing it.
And when it's lost,
all you are is a loser.
You obviously don't know how I feel,
so why don't you just butt out of this.
I know how you feel.
Oh, you do? Really?
You've been in love before?
There's a lot of things
you don't know about me.
Who have you
ever been in love with?
You want to abuse yourself,
be my guest.
Hey, Watts, nothing ventured,
nothing gained, right?
Keith, once a fool,
always a fool.