Some Kind of Wonderful

- You have a beautiful smile, young man.
- Thank you, Carol.

She's Mom. I'm Dad.
And you're nuts.
This is not true.
It can't be.

This has got to be the most
hilarious rumor ever floated.

- Right?
- What are you talking about?

Last night I hear everybody talking
about how Keith has asked this girl out.

- No way.
- Check it out.

This girl is popular,
she's beautiful...

and obviously in the middle
of some emotional shootout...

to consent to date
the human tater tot.

What did you do to her, Keith?
Threaten her life?

I just asked her out.
Well, her boyfriend's a man,
for Christ's sake.

Hey, hey, hey.
He's extensively easy on the eyes,
he's a total buck, and you're--

you're... Keith.
Is she nice?
Mother, the girl is sex.
For God's sake, I'm eating!
Glad you got time
to think about the girls.

Between the girls and your art kick,
you have no time for anything important.

You'll be dead and buried before you get
off your butt and apply to a college.

Ease up, Dad.
Any fool can get into a college.

Only a precious few
may say the same about Amanda Jones.

Am I wrong?
- Mom, what kind of milk is this?
- If you don't like milk, drink juice.

It's none of your business.
What, Keith?
What did you say?

That's what my girlfriend
would look like without skin.

And while we're on the topic of
the double-breasted party machine...

on your latest coup, yeah.

You know about Amanda Jones?

You think I live here?
I have a personal life too, man.

How did you swing that one?
I don't know, Duncan.
I asked her out, she said yes,
we're gonna--

Any time somebody from the outside lifts
a woman from a ''gwat'' like Jenns...
