Keith's bringing Amanda,
so we might double.
- Who'd go out with you?
- The choices are limitless.
Can we go too?
Eventually, yeah,
if you stay cool.
You're lying.
Oh, really?
Yeah. If you're so tight with Hardy,
why aren't you over there with them?
Because I'm here with you, twerp.
Maybe you're here
because you're false.
Is this a challenge
or something?
Look, I was hanging with you fungi
in a vain effort to cool you out...
but all I am getting is breeze...
so "c'est la vie."
She's a liar.
Her brother loathes her.
He'd never let her play with his rep.
Amanda has to bring him.
What else can she do?
- Not bring him.
- She can't take the pressure.
She'll bring him.
The party will go down
as expected.
Amanda will blow in with her guy,
and we'll nail him.
Then we'll go back to business as usual.
It's real simple.
All right?
Hey, Laura, what happened?
They send you for beer?
I guess you just wouldn't be you if you
knocked before breaking into my room.
I'm sorry, Keith. I thought
if I knocked, you wouldn't open up.
- I want to talk to you.
- Well, this should be interesting.
I heard something
today at the mall.
Hardy Jenns and his guys were there,
and I heard them talking about you.
What's your point, Laura?
Keith, it's a joke.
Amanda Jones, the date, the party,
the whole thing.