He left Elaine for that?
- I'd like to tie her boobs together.
- That wouldn't be too difficult.
Listen up! That lady
happens to be a PhD in philosophy.
Yeah, and I've got a 170 IQ.
Scotty dates her for her mind,
not her... what are you doing, Ellie?
- Smoking.
- Give me that!
I love your husband,
but he's a real dork.
I know. But he's my dork.
- Listen... I'm tired. I can't stand up.
- Then we're going to go home.
- Listen, we're going.
- Leaving? Good!
Get some rest.
You're starting a new job tomorrow.
Listen, goodbye, Goomba...
Goomba, thank you.
You call me tomorrow.
Scotty, be good.
If you can't, think of me.
- Michael, my ass is falling.
- Your what?
- My ass is falling. It is!
- What are you talking about?
I just saw it in that mirror.
It doesn't look like my ass anymore.
Get in bed, will ya?
I don't know what to do.
I jog, I exercise, -
- I run after Tommy.
Gravity isn't helping me at all.
I love this ass.
Now get it into bed -
- before it hits the floor!