I've never been a detective before.
I want her safe and secure on this one.
Both of you guys are off the charts
until she IDs Venza.
Venza's going to skip or get to her.
I want her ass covered 24 hours a day, -
- but I don't want her to know
there's any danger.
Tommy! Get down here and get these
god-damn skateboards off the floor!
- What are we having?
- Scrambled eggs surprise.
- Hi. So, how was it?
- Not great.
I caught a babysitting job
for a material witness on a homicide.
- How long?
- Till they pick up the perp.
Looks good.
Hey, El... Seniority gets the day tour.
You know what that means.
Lonely nights. I'll live with it...
'cause I've lived with it all my life.
When my dad was a cop he used to say,
"EI, never go out with a cop."
So what do I do? I get a job
with the cops, I marry a cop -
- and I've probably given birth to a cop.
Tommy, leave it and just come over here
and eat. It's getting cold.
Maybe you and Tommy
should stay with my ma.
- Your mother? No way!
- Don't start, all right?
The neighbourhood has turned into shi...
It's a cesspool, and I think it would be
good if you were not alone at night.
I can still use the gun.
Okay. Just keep it some place...
...safe but handy.