- Hi.
- Hi.
- Just checking to see if you were here.
- Yeah, I came on at eight.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry about what happened.
- That was my fault.
I shouldn't have listened to you. I should
have followed you in the can, like Venza.
If I'd known
I was going to have company...
Garber says when I identify him, they're
gonna lock him up and throw away the key.
I'm supposed to do that in the morning.
Identify him.
The sooner the better.
- Mike, he said he would kill me.
- Big talk... Desperate guy, you know.
Right. How's he gonna do that if he's in
jail and they've thrown away the key?
It's the right thing to do...
Identifying him.
You wouldn't happen to know
what languages they speak in India?
- Hindi, Urdu...
- Urdu, yeah. Hey, what a woman.
Didn't do very well, did you?
Nope. Never finished one of these
things yet. I hate these things.
So... tonight's your last night.