I'll take mine in the next room.
I've been waiting for you.
I know
I want the Bishop to return me
to the monastery. Please back me up.
I don't belong here.
Parish work is too much for me.
My superiors thought so.
You do, too.
I'm willing to request your recall,
but it's complicated.
Are you overtaxed here?
Don't be childish. The parish is too
poor to feed a useless mouth.
...I could go to
the Trappists for a while.
Trappists! You all want to go there!
A monastery's no rest home.
What should I do?
Now you're showing sense.
If you can't guide others,
how can you judge yourself?
You've been given a master ; me!
I know it...
You were allowed to take holy orders...
despite your superior's doubts.
I am not totally incapable...
...of parish work fitting
my intelligence.
Luckily, my health...
Health is God's gift.
I know its price too well.
Your strength and manual skills.
suggest you were meant
for a humbler vocation.
It's never too late to admit an error.
Should you try something else,
or return to your plow?
I'm asking, not answering.
A man like me is easy to size up.
You're being tactful.
I'm eager to obey.
Don't keep me in suspense.