Sous le soleil de Satan

Ever known women like me?
It's fun to be beautiful.
A new suitor is always handsome.
But a suitor who never tires
of us is even handsomer.

That's how you look at me.
Men are so sad.
We grow too used
to them to notice.

You didn't examine me!
I will now.
Another time.
Anyway, I know more
about it than anyone.

In 6 months I'll be a "proud mother",
This pregnancy seems unlikely.
You love me?
I ask because of an idea I have.
What idea?
Do you love me? Answer me!
Don't give me that!
Tell me you love me.

You don't dare say it? Scared?
You hate me, but less than I do.
You don't know about self-hate.

About what?
Hate and contempt...
you've never felt that.

It's like an idea that you get...
you want to sink...

into a pit where the contempt
of fools can't reach you.
