Sous le soleil de Satan

Don't be embarrassed.
You're exhausted.

You've overdone it. Patience...
that's a good remedy, preacher.

Less drastic than some,
but surer.

It's not fatigue. I'm sturdy,
I can fight a long time...

but not against some things...
Lean on me.
I'm your friend.
I love you dearly.
I have no friends.
I sought you...
hunted you ardently...

A friend's kiss.
A trifle!
I've kissed others..
lots of others!

Want to know something?
I kiss you all!

You bear me in your flesh...
None of you escapes me!

I'm leaving you...
You'll never see me again!

Cling to your obstinacy!
If you knew the fate your master
plans for you...

We alone are not fooled! We chose
his hate, not his love!

Why enlighten your muddy
brain about this,

cringing dog, enslaved brute?
That's enough now!
It's time we split up!
What did you want of me?
To test you...
From now until you die.

God assigns the test.
I'll wait for it!

I don't want to hear about it now...
and from such a mouth!
