- Detective Bill Reimers.
- Hey, Billy.
- There's, uh, Chris Lecce over there.
Uh, Phil Coldshank.
- Pleasure, sir.
- And, uh,Jack Pismo.
- Right on.
''Right on.''
He said, ''Right on.''
Now, the FBI has requested some help
over the next couple of weeks.
So for now,
your cases have been reassigned.
- Whoa, whoa, reassigned?
- Wait a minute. Bill and I are close
to breaking this thing--
- A forklift, wasn't it?
From now on,
you're working full-time on this.
- Kleenex, please.
- In the drawer there.
Mr, uh, Lusk
is in charge of this operation,
so I'll let him do the talking.
Yeah, I-I don't know if
you're familiar with Montgomery,
but, uh, just in case you're not.
Two years ago he killed
one of our agents.
He should have had the chair,
but he had a sharp attorney...
and the local police were a little too
zealous in their pursuit of evidence.
- A plea bargain kept him from frying.
- Yo!
- Sorry.
Just busted out of Stonehurst,
didn't he? Killed a guard?
Yeah, he and his cousin
crossed into Wyoming, ditched
their truck and had a car waiting.
- If he's in Wyoming, why are you here?
- Well, we think he'll head for Mexico,
but he has friends here.
So we're setting up
a half a dozen stake-outs.
Now, uh, we'll handle
the important ones, but, uh,
since we're a little short on help...
uh, your men will take the others.
- Of course.
- Who we watching?
Oh, he has an old girlfriend here. He
hasn't seen her for a year and a half.
Her name is Maria McGuire.
Now, you'll be watching her house...
and the Second Precinct will take her
at the restaurant where she works.
Here are the keys
to the apartment we rented across
the street from where she lives.
Now, we're gonna have
to move on this one quick.
I-- I know it's short notice,
but this is real bad people we're after.
- Do we, uh, get a bug?
- Hopefully within 24 hours.
Uh, just one other thing.
If you spot Montgomery, report it.
Nothing more.
this is an FBI operation.
Wait a second.
Wait a second.
Excuse me, Captain.
There's something a little ripe here.
Let me-- Let me ask you a question.
What you're asking is that
you'd like us to sit on our butts...