Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

- We've arranged your usual rooms.
- That's outstanding.

I should be getting down
to the planet.

Riker will be available here
to show you anything you want to see.

- It's really not necessary.
- I insist.

When you've finished
showing the Admiral around,

- you can join me down on Earth.
- I may want to stay awhile.

Of course. Stay as long as you wish.
It's not Gregory Quinn. It may look
like him, but it isn't him.

- Are you absolutely certain?
- I'm certain.

I want you to stay close.
Keep your eye on his every move.

Have Beverly concoct some reason
for giving him a full medical exam.

- How?
- I don't know, just do it.

- He's a senior admiral.
- It's not him. I know that now.

I have to find out how this happened,
and who or what is behind it.

- If you're right...
- I'm right.

Should you be beaming down alone,

I'll take care.
Find out what you can,

then join me, in force if necessary.

Good luck, sir.
Welcome home, Capt Picard.
Thank you. My First Officer
will join us shortly.

Yes, I'm sure he will.
You've met Cmdr Remmick.
Under less-than-ideal circumstances.
It's nice to see you again.

We have prepared a special meal
in your honour.

Why is the corridor so quiet?

The last time I was here,
it was bustling.
