Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Keep me posted.
I'll be on the bridge.

What is that?!
What do you know of conspiracies?
- Not nearly enough.
- That's their charm.

When a machination is real,
no one knows about it.

And when it's suspected,
it's almost never real.

Except in paranoid delusions
for those who believe.

Sorry to interrupt. Dinner is served.
Wonderful. This banter
has given me an appetite.

I need to contact my ship to let
Riker know we're about to sit down.

Of course.
We'll wait for you at the table.

- Picard to Riker.
- Dr Crusher here.

May I speak freely?
I have little choice. Where's Riker?
He was attacked by Quinn,
or what we thought was Quinn.

Specify, Doctor.
A parasitic being
has invaded Quinn's body.

It has complete control
over all brain functions.

It seems to breathe
through a small gill

protruding from Quinn's neck.
Look for this, Captain.
I believe it will be visible
on anyone who has been compromised.

Any idea what it is
or where it came from?

Negative. I've never seen
anything like it.

Lt Worf,
if the situation is under control,

- please report to the bridge.
- Doctor?

It's OK. He won't be waking up
for a long time.
