Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Captain's log, stardate 41780.2.
How difficult after years
oflearning to respect life

to be forced to destroy it.
But there seems
to be no alternative.

Quinn is expected to recover fully.
There is no trace of the parasite
which took control ofhim.

We'll never know how many of these
life forms infiltrated Starfleet,

but it seems they could not survive
without the mother creature

which had taken over Cmdr Remmick.
It was Dr Crusher's idea
to simulate the gill.

It had to fool everyone,
including you.

That it did, rest assured.
Captain, I have attempted to trace
the message Remmick was sending.

I believe it was aimed at
an unexplored sector of our galaxy.

Any idea what the message was?
- I believe it was a beacon.
- A beacon?

Yes, sir.
A homing beacon sent from Earth.
