Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Alright, it's risky, but a shot
in the dark is better than nothing.

Let's see if we can get lucky.
I can't seem
to pin down the pattern.

- There.
- Sorry, sir, I should've seen that.

No, you're doing fine.
Program laid in.
Phasers and photon torpedoes ready.

OK. Mr Solis,
bring her about to 23, mark 1 85.

Aye, sir.
- Fire! Now!
- Phasers and photons firing.

We missed!
Number four shield buckling.
Number three shield near failure.
This is Engineering. I can't
hold power level much longer.

- Do something.
- Backup systems overloaded.

Backup systems failing.
La Forge, this is Logan.
Tell me something.

Mr Logan, report to the bridge.
On my way.
Deflectors are breaking down. We have
less than one minute of reserve.

We're getting out of here.
Lt Solis, set course 31 5, mark 007.
