Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Our sensors show no signs of
life forms. Virtually no vegetation.

- Atmosphere?
- Minimum for our needs, sir.

- Standard orbit.
- Aye, sir.

I've located the shuttle.
- Life signs?
- Not yet, sir. Still probing.

It appears to be buried
under a lot of debris.

I may have something, sir.
Faint life signs.
- Very faint.
- How many?

We can't tell from here.
Can we beam up the injured?
No, sir. Our sensors
cannot penetrate this debris.

- It's very unusual.
- Yes, sir. I cannot explain.

- Number One, prepare an away team.
- Data. Yar.

Dr Crusher, have you been
monitoring this?

Yes. I'll meet the away team
in transporter room four.

Let's go. The life signs are weak.
What is this?
No idea.
Go round, to be on the safe side.
