Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

It's approaching the away team.
The energy field over the craft
is back to full intensity.

- Chart it. Look for a pattern.
- Aye, sir.

She said you'd be back.
- Then she is alive?
- For now.

Why have you returned?
We've no choice.
We must negotiate for our team.

- What do you want?
- Maybe I want nothing.

- Then you would have killed us all.
- I still might.

What do you want? Tell me.
Maybe we can reach an accommodation.

If I tell you,
will you give it to me?

I might. It depends.
I am a doctor. I need to treat
our injured friends.

Say "please".
You asked nicely.
I will allow it.
I've changed my mind.
Talk to her from here.

Troi, can you hear me?
Deanna, are you alright?
I can hear you.
Are you alright?
We've encountered some difficulty.
I know.
She needs our help!
So what?
Our friends are suffering, metres
away, yet you block our path. Why?

You are all... ungrateful!
What is he made of?
It did not register on the tricorder.
Does that mean I am not alive?

No. Clearly, you are some kind
of intelligent form.
