Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

- You.
- Yes.

They discarded you and left.
And here I am.
You have my pity.
Your pity?
Save that for yourself!
Something's got me!
Touch him and he dies.
No, don't!
Armus has... enveloped Cmdr Riker.
I'm beaming you up.
If any of you leave now, he dies.
And so do
the survivors of the crash.

Captain's log, supplemental.
There is grave danger
to the crew on Vagra ll.

My First Officer is missing,
attacked by this entity
known as Armus.

Captain, take a look at this.
The chart of the energy field
around the shuttle.

- A lot of fluctuations.
- Yes, but there is a pattern.

Here is where it killed Lt Yar.
Here is where it absorbed Cmdr Riker.
