Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Hurry up!
- You're feeling better?
- Yes, thank you.

I'm fine now.
I may not know felicium's effect
on Ornaran physiology

but I know how to interpret
physical reaction.

Are the Ornarans recovering?
T'Jon and Romas are feeling fine.
In fact, too fine.

Felicium's a narcotic.
Then T'Jon and Romas
and everyone on their world...

Is a drug addict.
It's a fascinating tale
we've come across.

You've piqued my interest.
Please continue.

- Data, what have we got?
- Several thousand years ago,

the two planets took different paths.
Ornara became technologically
sophisticated, Brekka did not.

200 years ago, Ornara was stricken
by a devastating plague.

Their advanced technology
could provide no solution.

Somehow, and there is limited
information on this point,

a cure was found in a plant
indigenous only to Brekka,

which rejected all attempts
at cultivation on Ornara.
