Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

- What are you going to do?
- Will you tell them?

No. I'm bound by the rules of
the United Federation of Planets,

which order me not to interfere
with other worlds, other cultures.

If I were to tell them,
I'd violate the Prime Directive.

But you are talking to us about it.
This is information you already know.
And so nothing has changed.

If you can't interfere,
you are going to allow the Ornarans

to have the felicium?
- Yes, I am.
- No! Don't do it.

Jean-Luc, this is not
a symbiotic relationship.

This is exploitation,
pure and simple!

The Brekkians
have caused this suffering

only to make
their pitiful lives easier!

And all of it based on a lie!
No, deny them this shipment.
It is the least we can do.

From the moment they agreed to give
the felicium, my hands were tied.

You are absolutely right, Captain.
It's not your business.

Are these the spare parts
for our freighters?

They look complicated.
Are they already...?
- Aligned?
- Right.

You'd have to ask the Captain.
Capt Picard, we've arrived at
Ornara and assumed standard orbit.

Acknowledged. Thank you.
Captain, please,
my planet is suffering.

We beg you to give us our medicine.
The matter is decided.
You're beaming down
to your world, with the felicium.

- I knew it. I knew you'd help us.
- We thank you.

Don't thank me. Sobi and Langor
decided to let you have it.

We'll discuss
the payment terms later.

There's no reason to deprive you
of your needed medicine.

That's terrific.
