Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

No, Oliana.
It doesn't come that easily.

I have to study all the time.
It's a good thing you're cute,
or you'd really be obnoxious.

See you later!
Did you hear what she said,

She said I was cute.
- Is that good, Wesley?
- Yes!

I think.
I should apologise, Captain.
No need.
Mr Remmick's presence is unnerving.

Are you available now, Mr Riker?
Or do you still have duties
to perform?

I'm available, Mr Remmick.
Any problem with using
your ready room?

No, Mr Remmick. Be my guest.
If you prefer to stand,
fine, Mr Riker.

It won't have an effect
on the length of my inquiry.

Now,... there are several seeming
discrepancies in the Captain's log.

Let's go over them one by one.
The Captain's log?
To your knowledge, has the Captain
ever falsified a log?

- Have you asked him?
- Right now, I'm asking you.

If you want to discuss Capt Picard,
ask him face to face.

You must answer my questions,
unless you're covering something up.
