Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Captain's log, stardate 41503. 7.
We have entered the Neutral Zone,

where a Talarian freighter
has been severely damaged in battle.

I have sent an away team
to investigate.

What exactly does this device do?
We've been working on a way
to transmit what my visor sees.

If it works, the bridge
will be able to monitor us.

It has restrictions.
The information from Geordi's visor
is difficult to encode.

The signal breaks down easily.
- So not much range?
- Exactly.

The effective range is only a few
kilometres, but we're working on it.

- La Forge to bridge.
- This is the bridge.

Worf, I've switched on
the transmitter.

We are receiving.
The signal is strong.

OK, Worf,
I'm switching off for transport.

Set phasers on stun.
Let's be ready for anything.

- La Forge to bridge.
- This is the Enterprise.

I'm switching on the transmitter.

Ready to receive. On main viewer.
Aye, sir.
Now I'm beginning to understand him.
Geordi, what's that?
- Over to the left.
- What?

Yes, that. No, no, back.
