Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

The unit has analysed
its last attack

and constructed a new,
stronger, deadlier weapon.

In a moment, it will launch that
against the targets on the surface.

Abort it!
Why would I do that?
It can't demonstrate its abilities
unless we let it leave the nest.

- They are down there, sir.
- Let's clear that away.

If Data's correct, the next one
should show itself in two minutes.

Captain, can you hear me?
Yes, we're here!
Are you alright?
Dr Crusher is seriously hurt.
We can't contact the Enterprise.
The communicators are out.

Yes, ours are out too.
Those devices are part of a system
located down here.

Another is being released. Watch it.
We know, Captain.
There's nothing to hold on to.
We can't climb down.

- I'm surprised they survived.
- I can go.

- How?
- Jump.

- Data, it's over ten metres.
- 1 1 .75, sir.

Data, you may be sturdy,
but you're not indestructible.

I can safely traverse the distance.
Captain, Data's going
to join you down there.

Be my guest.
- Data.
- At your service, Captain.

Let's find a defensive position.
If Data's right...

He usually is.
..we'll have company any minute,
and this time, I don't know
how we're going to stop it.

Ship's log, supplemental.
Lt La Forge in command
of the star-drive section.
