The Fourth Protocol

The rest would like to feed you
to the newspapers and throw what's left

into prison for 20 years.
It's a tricky choice, isn't it?
However this is what you will do.
You will resume
your ''special relationship'' with Moscow

Only this time I shall be suplying
the papers. Understand?

Then later when we're finished
we can decide what to do with you.

I'm very grateful, Nigel.
Good operation. Damn good.
The turning of Berenson?
No. The false flag recruitment,
the way he was run.

Very clever.
I've been thinking it reminds me
of someone. . .

General Yevgeni Sergeivitch Karpov,
Deputy Head KGB. . .

Sort of your opposite number, then?
You could say that, yes.
I shall enjoy feeding him
a few wrong turns for a change.

The well-known Kremlin watcher
we also have

with us Colonal K who quit Moscow
to come to the West last year Colonel,

who's now the leader
of the minority hard line group

in the Politburo?
Certainly it would be a KGB chief,

How secure would you say he is?
You know, Govorshin is in
a very delicate situation unless comes
