Yevgeni Sergeivitch how long have
we known each other?
Get to the point Pavel Petrovitch.
Why are you stripping my department?
Why am I what?!
Stripping me clean.
Everyday something new is taken from me
First, the very best agent
we have specialising
in Britain Major Valeri Petrofsky.
And then, a forged life story
meticulously maintained over the years
a legend that fits Valeri Petrofsky
like a glove.
Where do you want me to stop?
their documentations radio men
and then the coding crystals
for that sleeper transmitter
you yourself planted when you were head
of the KGB in London.
What the hell
are you mounting over there?
Whose authority has been
on all these transfers?
But Comrade, General Chairman Govorshin
knows nothing about Western Europe.
That's why I was sure that
you knew of it.
Pavel Petrovitch, old friend,
I give you my word.
I'm not the one
who's wrecking your department.
then what the hell is going on?
Yevgeni Sergevitch, I'm sorry.
I thought that you. . .
No. No. In your position
I would have thought the same.
So, who is advising Govorshin
on England, apart from ourselves?
Do you think he's trying
to embarrass you?