Over here we have
a two inch diameter ord.
Also uranium 235.
Now when the rod is rammed into
the heart of the fissionable core
the mass
of the two together rises beyond
the critical threshold.
And that's when things start
to get exciting.
The fissionable core will explode only
if at the moment of criticality
it's bombarded by a blizzard
of neutrons and the blizzard
is created by the initiator. . .
Lithium. . .
And polonium. . .
what is it that wends the plug down
the tube into the mass?
any old plastic explosive.
I believe you know about that.
so what we're looking for
is some plastic explosive
a detonator tow small discs a tube. . .
A round metal case and a rod of uranium
And the uranium ball.
The thing about uranium, it's heavy.
Twice as heavy as lead.
That ball alone would take
a strong man to life two handed.
But in size it's about as big as
a small football?
Nearer a child's football.
If an atomic bomb explodes on
an american base they'll be blamed