Only compared to some.
Look! He's right on top of us.
I wonder if he is using
the same wind we are using.
Whoever he is,
he's too late.
The Cliffs of Insanity.
Hurry up. Move the thing...
and that other thing.
Move it!
We're safe.
Only Fezzik is strong enough
to go up our way,
he'll have to sail around for hours
'til he finds a harbor.
He's climbing the rope.
And he's gaining on us.
I thought I was going faster.
You were supposed to be this colossus.
You were this great, legendary thing.
And yet he gains.
Well, I'm carrying three people.
And he got only himself.
I do not accept excuses,
I'm just going to have to find myself
a new giant, that's all.
Don't say that, Vizzini.