The Princess Bride

Oh, I could have sworn
I saw something. No matter.

What's so funny?
I'll tell you in a minute.
First, let's drink:

me from my glass,
and you from yours.

You guessed wrong.
You only think I guessed wrong.
That's what's so funny!

I switched glasses when your back
was turned. You fool!

You fell victim to one
of the classic blunders.

The most famous is:
"Never get involved
in a land war in Asia."

But only slightly
less well known is this:

"Never go in against a Sicilian
when death is on the line."

Who are you?
I am no one to be trifled with,
that is all you ever need know.

To think, all that time it was
your cup that was poisoned.

They were both poisoned.
I spent the last few years
building up an immunity to iocane powder.

Someone has beaten a giant.
There will be great suffering
in Guilder if she dies.

Catch your breath.
If you'll release me...
whatever you ask for ransom
you'll get it, I promise you...

And what is that worth,
the promise of a woman?

You're very funny, Highness.
