And what am I?
Faithfulness he talked of, madam.
Your enduring faithfulness.
Now, tell me truly. When you found out he was gone,
did you get engaged to your prince that same hour,
or did you wait a whole week
out of respect for the dead?
You mocked me once,
never do it again!
I died that day!
You can die too,
for all I care!
As... you... wish...
Oh, my sweet Westley!
What have I done?
He disappeared.
He must have seen us closing in,
which might account
for his panicking in the error.
Unless I'm wrong,
and I am never wrong,
they are headed dead
into the fire swamp.
Can you move at all?
You're alive.
If you want, I can fly.
I told you,
I would always come for you.
Why didn't you wait for me?
Well, you were dead.
Death cannot stop true love.
All it can do is
delay it for a while.
I will never doubt again.
There will never be a need.
Oh no.
No, please.
What is it?
What's the matter?
They're kissing again.
Do we have to hear the kissing part?