Your princess is really a winning creature.
A trifle simple, perhaps,
but her appeal is undeniable.
Oh, I know.
The people are quite taken with her.
It's odd, but when I hired Vizzini
to have her murdered on our engagement day,
I thought that was clever.
But it's going to be so much more moving
when I strangle her on our wedding night.
Once Guilder is blamed,
the nation will be truly outraged.
They'll demand we go to war.
Now, where is that secret knot?
It's impossible to find.
Are you coming down into the pit?
Westley's got his strength back.
I am starting him on the machine tonight.
Tyrone, you know how much
I love watching you work,
but I've got my country's
500th anniversary to plan,
my wedding to arrange,
my wife to murder,
and Guilder to frame for it.
I'm swamped.
Get some rest, if you haven't got your health,
you haven't got anything.
Beautiful, isn't it?
It took me half a lifetime to invent it.
I'm sure you've discovered
my deep and abiding interest in pain.
At present I'm writing
the definitive work on the subject.
So I want you to be totally honest with me
on how the machine makes you feel.
This being our first try,
I'll use the lowest setting.