I have a lot of work myself.
Good morning.
I really swept her
off her feet.
All right, Foster.
Let's do it!
Hello. This is
Carlton Whitfield, 4319.
That's right. I'm still waiting for
that secretary I requested last week.
I realize you're
busy down there...
but I'm typing my own letters
and answering my own calls...
and it's getting
to be a pain.
Well, I've been here a week,
got my name on the door...
got a desk full of supplies and got
a geranium on my window ledge.
What I don't have
is a secretary.
Okay, I'll tell you what.
I'll have Personnel send a boy up from
the mail room with the requisitions.
Just send me my secretary, okay?
Thank you very much.
Got a memo here. Big cheese in 4319
wants his new secretary pronto.
I got a memo here that's
burning up my fingers.
New suit in 4319 wants his personalized
memos and stationery immediately.
- This guy is hot.
- Who?
I don't know.
Name's on the memo.
He wants nameplates for his door,
and he wants it by noon. Okay?