A 13-D?
He's acquired five percent
of the stock...
and this is definitely the beginning of
a hostile takeover of our corporation.
I think we all know what happened the
last time Davenport took over a company.
Everyone was canned!
Mr. Prescott has sent down word
of what he wants us to do.
We are to recommend cuts
in every department.
Our job is to slash the red ink
in every nook and cranny...
because our company needs
the cash for its defense.
Anybody wanna fire
the first shot?
Kill Toledo.
If we close down
our distribution centers...
in Toledo, Joplin, Jacksonville...
we'll slash the red ink
completely off the books.
Whitfield, you don't have to
raise your hand. Just speak.
Thank you.
Well, I know I'm new here
and everything.
On the surface, these cuts
seem like a good idea...
"Seem like a good idea"?
But closing down those distribution
centers would be a big mistake.
It so happens that those closings
are exactly what Mr. Prescott wants.
Well, then Mr. Prescott hasn't
thought things through very well.
I'm going to tell him you said that.
Good. Closing down
those centers...
will put a strain on
this company's cash position.
In the long run, those cuts are going
to hurt this company's innate value.
Innate value?
What is he talking about?
Davidson here will back me up
on this. Davidson?
I'm Proctor. He's Davidson.
Well, damn it,
Davidson, tell him!
You wrote a memo to Mr. Thomas
explaining what I'm talking about.
Well, how did you know
I wrote that memo?
How did I know
you wrote that memo?
Who else could write
that memo, Davidson?
That memo was famous.
That memo was a masterpiece.
Clear, concise, to the point.
That was the best damn memo I ever read!
In fact, that memo wasn't even a memo.
That memo was literature.