It's a great company, Uncle...
Mr. Prescott. That's why I'm here.
What can you do for us, Brantley?
What experience have you had?
Practically none.
But I believe in myself.
Doesn't that count? Deep inside, I know
I can do anything if I get a chance.
Think back to when
you were my age.
Remember how you felt when
you went after that first job.
Remember how
you wanted it so badly...
you couldn't sleep
the night before the interview.
Remember how crushed you were
when the guy said...
"What kind
of experience have you got?"
You wanted to shake
your fists and say...
"I can do anything
if I can just get a chance".
They're ready for you
in the boardroom, Mr. Prescott.
Call Bates in Personnel.
Tell him I'm sending somebody up.
Well, you're
in the front door, kid.
What you do on this side of it
is up to you.
Congratulations. He really
must have taken a shine to you.
Thanks. He's a warm guy.
May I?