- You have?
- I know everything you've been up to.
- You do?
- Everything.
Sir, I can explain this.
See, I didn't know who that was...
I know, for example, that you've
been working hard in the mail room.
You've kept your eyes open
and your nose clean.
You stayed out of trouble.
I'm gonna reward you for that
one of these days.
But first I'd like to ask
a favor of you.
You name it, sir.
We'll talk about it
while we work out.
You like to sweat,
don't you, Brantley?
Your Aunt Vera seems to have
taken an instant liking to you.
- I hadn't noticed.
- It's obvious.
I think she'd like to get
to know you a lot better.
I want to encourage that.
I'd like you to spend
lots of time with Aunt Vera...
at the party this weekend.
Men like us can't be locked
into one woman, Brantley.
We need variety.
Keeps us young, energetic, competitive.
You get my meaning? Of course you do.
We're men of the world, right?
Now, a problem
has developed.
- I have a friend, a companion...
- A girl.
She's been getting
a little antsy lately.
Wants me to leave my wife.
Well, I'm not about to leave my wife...
not for her, not for anyone.
I just need a little time to get
the situation under control again.
- Understand?
- Not altogether.
Well, I'm inviting her out
to the party this weekend...
and we're gonna spend
a little time together...
which is why I need you
to keep your Aunt Vera...
occupied as much as possible.
- Get the picture?
- Yeah, wide-screen.
- But I got some big plans this weekend.
- Fine. I won't forget this favor.
- No, you don't understand. See...
- Great. It's all settled then.
I've got my eye out for some rapid
advancement for you, Brantley.