The job.
To hell with the girl.
Yeah. You sound
real convincing.
Well, look at it this way, pal.
For a few weeks, you sat up here in
the lofty atmosphere of the big cheeses.
You had a nice view of Manhattan
and a clean lunchroom to eat in.
Hell, you did more in two months
than most people do in a lifetime.
Yeah, I'm gonna miss it.
The job or the girl?
- Goin' back to Kansas?
- No, I'm not goin' back to Kansas.
I came to New York to succeed.
I hear there's an opening
in the mail room.
You should talk.
You're just as unemployed as I am.
Not for long.
I have contacts all over town.
- There's always another Prescott around.
- Low blow, Foster. Dirty pool.
- I call 'em like I see 'em.
- Yeah, you're perfect, right?
- I never slept with the boss.
- No, you slept with the boss's wife.
She seduced me.
He seduced me.
What's the difference?
I couldn't help it.
You went willingly.
- I see. You were tied up in chains.
- I'll tell you what the difference is.
- I thought you were a nice guy.
- I am a nice guy!
You're a rat!
You lied to me, deceived me,
then acted as judge and jury...
in a situation
you knew nothing about.
- I know you were spying on me.
- I wasn't spying on you!
- And I won't be spying on you anymore!
- No, you won't, 'cause if I see you...
This car is full.
- We could never pull that off.
- How do you know?
I'm a kid from the mail room who moved
into a top executive position.
Are you gonna tell me
I can't pull it off?
But you didn't.
I almost did.
We could pull this off.
- I'm gonna need your help, both of you.
- Is it somethin' I could get fired for?
- Absolutely.
- I like it.
Jean, see if you can find
Harley McMasters' phone number.
And get some food up here.
Chinese sound good to you?
Mr. Davenport, we realize you'll want
to move some of your own people...