You found it!
- Look, we gotta do something.
One of us has to pick it up.
- Well, it's not gonna be me!
Now what? I don't know anything
about taking care of babies.
Well, neither do I!
- Look, we gotta do something!
- Be my guest.
- Hey, it's not my responsibility.
- It's not mine either!
- Don't yell at me, Peter.
- Well, it can't be that difficult.
All we gotta do is, is feed it.
It'll shut up.
- Well, I don't know what babies eat.
- Soft stuff.
I mean, we were babies once, for God's
sake. What did-- What did we eat?
I don't know. It couldn't have been
very good. I can't remember.
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Where you goin'?
- I'm going to the market
to get some baby food.
We can't feed it birthday cake
and goat cheese.
- So what am I supposed to do?
- Entertain it.
''Entertain it.''
Entertain it?
How do you entertain a baby?
Hey, junior. Hey, look.
L-Look at my hands. Hey.
Hey. Look at this. Look at this.
Oh, it's a-- it's a gla-- it's a prism.
Whoa. Look at those colours, huh?
This is nice stuff, huh? This is
expensive. You don't like that, huh?
Well, how about, uh-- Oh! Ooh, look!
It's almost like, uh--
Look,Japanese origami, almost,
with the hands.
It's a bird! It's a bird!
No, huh?
Uh-- Uh-- I'm gettin' a headache.
You're givin' me a headache.
Uh, how about, uh-- how about this?
How about this? Look at this.
Look at the hairy chest.
You like that? You like that?
You wanna-- You want one of these?
Price check!
Excuse me. Uh, where could I
get a jar of baby food?
- Uh, third aisle to the right.
- Right.
-Joe, I need a cheque okay on three.
- It's the larger size?
- Got it.
- This is cheaper.
- Oh.