Three Men and a Baby

Jack's in Turkey, which is where I'd be
if my baby was in New York.

Now look, Rebecca, we're dying here.
Michael doesn't know
anything about babies.
I don't know anything about babies.

On top of that,
I got deadlines hanging all over me.

I've been reading these--
these books about babies.

I can't figure it out.
For instance, it says here-- Look.

''Feed every two hours.'' Well, it takes
me two hours to get her to eat anything.

So does it mean feed her
every two hours from when I start?

- Yeah.
- Or every two hours from when I finish?

Because I've been feeding her
every two hours from when I start,
and I'm feeding her all the time!

- Mmm.
- So which is it?

- Why are you asking me?
- Because you're a woman.

Yeah. That doesn't mean I automatically
know what to do with babies.

Rebecca, now, pl--
please, uh, stay with me and,
and help me take care of her.

- You want me to take care of her.
- Yes.

- Now?
- No, when she graduates from college.
Yes, now.

I can't do that, Peter.
Baby take very,
very much work, huh? Yeah.

Thank you for telling me that,Jan.
I didn't know that.
What is he, an idiot savant?

Rebecca, we--we'll be late and--
Uh-- W--Uh-- Rebecca, no, now--
Rebecca, please! Stay with me!
- I have got a date.
- Oh?

Oh, excuse me for cramping
your romantic style.

Rebecca, we'll be late, huh?
- Uh, just--
- You can't be serious about this guy.

Oh, come on, Peter. You go out
with other people and so do I.
We agreed to that.

You can go out with the whole damn
string section for all I care.
That's not the issue.

- Right now I need you here.
- Well, I can't be here now.

- Oh! She doodled.
- Doodled!

Yes, doodled! What's the matter?
Don't babies doodle in Hungary?

- We're leaving.
- Uh, Rebecca, no, wait.

Come on, Rebecca, please. Don't go.
Peter, you're a very big boy,
you're very capable...

and you're gonna get through this
just fine.

I hate the cello.
